The Buyer's Journey

A Customer Experience Webinar


Tuesday, February 22, 2022 from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM EDT


As an entrepreneur who dreams of becoming a world changing, award winning entrepreneur,  you're focused on efficiently increasing revenue and sustainably scaling your business.  But in many cases, that’s the exact opposite reaction small business owners should have.  Would you be ecstatic if you could improve the lifetime value of customers, innovate without wasting money, and connect with customers at a deeper level so they become loyal, raving fans?
Because if you could do those things, ultimately, that would mean you could stop struggling to grow bottom line revenue and create a legacy of opportunity and inspiration for the next generation of entrepreneurs! (Which would be amazing!)  

There are things you can do now to improve your enjoyment  of your business and turn things around. In this presentation, we'll cover:

  • A genuine path toward sustainable scaling (without spending money and time on new offerings that are great ideas but don't meet customers needs)
  •  Create an efficient high return path to innovation in your business 
  •  Get to know their customers at a deeper level to help grow your business

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   Malcolm Tyson, Ph. D. 

   -- Managing Director, Stratascension


If you are really frustrated by the fact that after the sale, there isn't an efficient way to stay connected with customers, or Facebook and social media feel like yelling into an abandoned building, and none of the experts agree on exactly what you should do to grow your business.  

I know I did... I know exactly how you feel because I've been there myself... more than once!

If you want to become the only choice your customers will make to get their needs met, create an efficient high return path to innovation in your business, and get to know your customers at a deeper level to help grow your business in as little as 15 minutes... then The Buyer's Journey is definitely for you.

Stratascension, Inc. Upper Marlboro, MD, USA